Thursday, August 12, 2004

Whoever selects the names for the season's hurricanes missed a golden opportunity for name pairs. Had he or she chosen Clyde for the letter C we would now have "Bonnie & Clyde" heading for Florida, but no, we have Bonnie and Charley. That doesn't sound right.

Time for a new football season and none too soon as the SF Giants fade into oblivion. They are now firmly entrenched in third place in the NL-West and in third place for the NL Wild Card slot. It would take a sudden resurgence in the team along with a total collapse of the Cubs and Padres to help improve the Giants' standing and that isn't going to happen .

Planning for my next trip to Thailand is turning out to be somewhat of a problem. I have the airline tickets to Bangkok and Chiang Mai and hotel reservations for my one week in Chiang Mai but Bangkok hotels are proving to be a problem this time in trying to complete the transactions. Oh, it will work out. I am early as I never leave things like this to the last minute but any time a glitch occurs I start getting nervous.

This month is nearly half over and then once we are into September time will go by even more rapidly. The NFL season opens, the SF Opera & Symphony seasons opens, the weather warms up (hopefully) and the numbers of tourists thin out. Hopefully the first to go will be the crude people who stick their video cameras into everything including your face.

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